Medical Billing

dental billing courses

3 Free Online Dental Billing Courses Options To Consider

Medical billing is an interesting field and has gained popularity among individuals in recent years. In the US alone, 135,000 medical billers are working in different healthcare facilities. This shows the importance of this career. To make it easier for candidates to secure good dental billing jobs, some dental billing courses are here that are essential in building your career.

Before applying for jobs, one must have relevant skills. Similarly for dental billing, some knowledge about industry and practice is required. So these programs are also the best source to get skills instead of wasting money and years on degrees. 

Here you will explore some free online dental billing course resources to begin your career. Know the cost-free shortcut to enter dental billing and earn good pay.

Are Billing Courses Equivalent To Degrees?

a dental billing degree

The first question that might stick to your mind would be whether it is enough to take these courses to get a job.

While the question can be answered by proper evaluation, you can assume both of these are the same. Because degree and course, both can open doors for a lucrative career.

However, when we put dental billing courses and degrees in comparison, courses are valuable if you want to rush toward your career. As in courses, more emphasis is put on practical experience within less time.

On the other hand, a degree takes much longer to complete but contains a wide range of healthcare topics that must be learned for accurate billing and coding.

Additionally, while degrees demand massive expenditures and long-term commitment, billing courses are very cost-effective. Today we will go through the free online dental billing courses, you will realize that without spending a penny you can learn billing and kickstart your profession.

Want to Begin Your Billing Career From Next Month?

But one thing that makes these options a must to receive for a career is their recognition. 

If you go for online courses, you will be offered certification which is very considerable by employers. Though in free courses, certificates arenโ€™t guaranteed, still dedicating time to learn billing will be a big plus in your CV. 

And when you take a dental billing degree, this would too make you a valuable candidate for intermediate-level billing jobs (i.e. $40,000 to $55,000 per year).

Overall, degree and billing courses canโ€™t be equal due to dissimilar yet uniquely valuable characteristics. But a course can also be proved as helpful for entry-level jobs (i.e $30,000 to $40,000 per year), whereas a degree can bring more high-paying job opportunities (i.e $55,000 to $70,000+ per year) which you can also get after gaining some experience in entry-level jobs.

Who Should Take Dental Billing Courses?

a billing professional smiling

Before exploring some free online dental billing courses options, it is important for you to know the scenarios for which you can get these courses.

This will help you give an idea about what you should do in your future and if your future goals match with what we have listed below, then these resources are surely for you.


Recent graduates who have completed their high school or any healthcare program can take these courses if they want to work as a dental biller specifically.

Current Healthcare Employees

Not only new grads, but current dental professionals can benefit from dental billing courses due to their updated knowledge and methodology in billing processes.

Career Changers

A lot of people are not happy with their continued job; they want a change. 

So if you are someone already working in the healthcare industry particularly and need a more interesting job role, these billing courses are perfect for you.

Work-From-Home Job Seekers

Over 60% of job seekers are looking for a remote work opportunity. If you are from one of those, then billing courses are your go-to resource.

In recent years, a lot of healthcare facilities have hired remote medical billers to save the costs of physical systems and office space. So you too can get a remote job once you take proper certification.

To sum up, the following are the dental profession opportunities you will explore due to billing courses:

  • Dental Billing Specialist
  • Medical Billing and Coding Specialist
  • Dental Office Manager
  • Accounts Receivable Specialist in Dental Practices
  • Insurance Claims Processor
  • Dental Billing Consultant
  • Revenue Cycle Management Specialist
  • Patient Billing Coordinator
  • Dental Practice Financial Coordinator
  • Independent Dental Billing Service Provider

Options For Free Dental Billing Courses

dental billing intricates

Now after having the basics about these programs, letโ€™s dive into the options you can explore to get free dental billing courses online.

  1. Dentistry Support Free Training

The dentistry support platform is heaven for dental billers. They offer premium training to dental professionals free of cost and online through their site.

They also offer a library that contains a comprehensive range of resources on dentist billing i.e. books, articles, guides, explainers, and videos.

The topics range from patient verification to claim submission. So you have a whole digital platform to learn and implement detailed coding billing.

  1. YouTube Tutorials

YouTube is considered one of the biggest learning platforms where creators produce content specifically for their target audience and the public gets that for free and learns something great.

Talking about dental billing courses, you will find a number of YouTube channels that will have hundreds of videos and multiple playlists to learn intricate details and techniques about dental billing.

Some of the dental billing channels you should explore are:

  • Dental ClaimSupport
  • Dental Economics
  • AnyaDentistry
  • Front Office Rocks
  1. Free Trials of Paid Courses

Where this technique might sound hilarious, you can actually benefit from limited trials of premium billing courses.

Imagine how many courses there would be for each billing aspect. Just make a list of topics you want to learn to get an entry-level job and begin your search.

Go to top sites that offer online billing courses, sign up, and get free trials of each course. You will surely learn something new from trials of the total course because of the fact that creators must include helpful tips in the trial to make it intriguing enough to attract more learners.

Websites that are known best for billing courses are:

  • Skillshare
  • Coursera
  • Edx

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    Get Ahead in Dental Billing

    If you want to earn a handsome income being associated with the healthcare industry, dental billing should be your destination.

    This career offers an interesting opportunity to play with codes, deal with patients, and often get the chance of working from home.

    But all you need is to take dental billing courses from recognized institutions. However, if you canโ€™t afford to spend your amount, explore our options above and find out the most suitable platform to learn dental billing.

    Overall, having some prior knowledge and a little practical experience will make you a favorable candidate to the majority of employers. So what are you waiting for?
